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Fakultät Maschinenbau

1. Funding Period (2013 - 2017)

Kleinekathöfer, D., 2014. Numerical simulation and validation of induction brazing for tube joining. Project affiliation: Simulation of induction brazing process. Bachelor thesis. 

Gebhard, J., 2014. Numerical investigation for the process optimization of high strength steels in the context of air and pressure bending. Project affiliation: Roll forming and free bending with elastomer tools. Bachelor thesis.

Ahmad, A., 2014. Investigation of using steel balls as an alternative for hydraulic fluid for the forming of tubular hydroforming parts. Project affiliation: Hot forming of ferritic tubular parts using shapeless solids as a replacement for hydraulic fluids. Master thesis.

Hafiz, M. S.; Hamed, D., 2014. Optimization of DOE and its implementation to the hydroforming of angled T-shapes. Projext affiliation: Strategy for simulating hydroforming. Project work.

Samadi, S.; Aragon Jimenez, L., 2014. Hydroforming of partially cold roll-bonded sheets. Project work Master

Nazari, E.; Anbazhagan, V., 2014. Study on the effect of temperature and feed rates due to induction heating on material properties of air-hardening steel in comparison to mild steel for implementation in induction bending. Project affiliation: Bending and Induction Heating of Air Hardening Tubular Material. Project work Master.

Zhang, Y., 2015. Kinematic motion analysis of the multi-axis forming press -modelling and experimental validation. Project affiliation: Incremental Forming of an Embossment into an Automotive Seat Rail. Diploma thesis.

Upadhya, S., 2015. Investigation of the crack sensitivity of sheared AHSS edges and improved failure prediction in forming simulations through pre-strain mapping. Project affiliation: Prediction of the Forming Limit for Forming Operations using Tubular Material. Master thesis.

Fabela Guardado, A., 2015. Hot forming of tube made of ferritic stainless steel using steel balls as forming media - experimental and numerical analysis. Project affiliation: Extension of the formability by the use of heat within the process chain. Master thesis.

Aragon Jimenez, L.A., 2015. Determination of annealing parameters for extended formability of ferritic stainless steel. Project affiliation: Extension of the formability of ferritic steel used in multi-step forming processes by optimized heat treatment steps. Master thesis.

Anbazhagan, V., 2015. Investigation of the influence of the crack sensitivity at cut edges on the formability of advanced high strength steels. Project affiliation: Analysis of Edge Crack Sensitivity. Master thesis.

Kolberg, M.; Köhne, K., 2015. Design of a pure bending test setup for a Zwick universal testing machine. Project affiliation: Roll forming and free bending with elastomer tools/Material modeling of DP vs. HSLA. Project work.

Grote, J., 2015. Experimental determination of material parameters of dual phase and micro-alloyed steels for the numerical simulation of the damage behavior during reverse bending. Project affiliation: Robust material models for sheet metal bending. Project work.

Fabela Guardado, A.; Ortega Espin, A. R., 2015. Hydroforming of cold roll bonded sheets. Combination of cold roll bonding and hydroforming. Project work Master.

Grote, J., 2016. Experimental and numerical analysis of the material behavior in bending processes of high-strength steels for safetyrelevant structural components in automotive engineering. Project affiliation: Robust material models for sheet metal bending. Bachelor thesis.

Nikaeen, P., 2016. Impact assessment of tool geometry and process parameters on material flow in end thickening of thin-walled tubes by incremental sheet-bulk metal forming. Project affiliation: Tube bulk metal forming. Master thesis.

Dardaei Joghan, H., 2016. Development of a desing guideline for tube hydroforming and validation using a modular hydroforming die design. Project affiliation: Development of a Design Strategy for Hydroforming of parts with Secondary Forming Elements. Master thesis.

Mudalyar, H.; Khan, A., 2016. Tube joining based on incremental forming process. Project affiliation: Joining by Forming. Project work Master.

Lu, Y., 2016. Experimental investigation of tube hot forming using granular medium. Project affiliation: Formability of Ferritic Stainless Steel. Project work Master,

Hijazi, D.; Stafylas, S.; Wie, Z., 2016. Prediction of the forming limit for forming operations using tubular material. Project affiliation: Prediction of the Forming Limit for Forming Operations using Tubular Material. Project work Master.

Marques Bezerra, D., 2017. Investigation of the occurrence of cracks in AHSS sheet material during hole flanging operations.  Project affiliation: Analysis of Edge Crack Sensitivity. Master thesis.

Hijazi, D., 2017. Experimental investigation of the formability limits of tubular material using the tensile test, the twin bridge torsion shear test and the bulge test. Project affiliation: Prediction of the Forming Limit for Forming Operations using Tubular Material. Master thesis.

Gebhard, J., 2017. Development and experimental evaluation of a bending device with adjustable bending radius and bending angle. Project affiliation: Robust material models for sheet metal bending. Master thesis.

D'Souza, L. J., 2017. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of friction on the non linear thickness distribution in tube hydroforming. Project affiliation: Development of a Desing Strategy for Hydroforming of Parts with Secondary Forming Elements. Master thesis.

Chen, H.; Staupendahl, D.; Hiegemann, L.; Tekkaya, A. E., 2017. Increasing the formability of ferritic stainless steel tube by granular medium-based hot forming. in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 896, 36th IDDRG Conference - Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming 2–6 July 2017, Munich, Germany. IOP Publishing.

Hijazi, D.; Traphöner, H.; Staupendahl, D.; Clausmeyer, T.; Tekkaya, A. E., 2017. Characterization of planar anisotropy, hardening and fracture of tubular materials by a modified in-plane torsion test. In: 5th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks (SCT2017), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Stiebert, F., 2017. Damage quantification of high-strength 1000 MPa steels. Project affiliation: Extension of the formability by the use of heat within the process chain. Project work Master.

Rahmani, M., 2017. Springback simulation of catalytic converter oval tube.  Project affiliation: Improvement of Calibration Tooling for Oval Tube. Project work Master.

Karakas, S.; Sarioguz, Ö., 2017. Investigation of the effects of joining by incremental tube forming and brazing on the joining strength of ferritic stainless steel tubes (grade 1.4509). Project affiliation: Joining by Forming. Project work Master.

D'Souza, L. J.; Ranjan Sharma, S., 2017. Increasing the formability of ferritic stainless steel by intermediate annealing and stepwise forming. Project affiliation: Extension of the formability by the use of heat withing the process chain. Project work Master.